Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What a Teacher Can Do!

We should all be inspired by this


Great Site for Speeches to Show Our Students

Check out this site which contains videos and audios of all the great speeches in history from movies or the actual footage. www.americanrhetoric.com

Here is the movie list


Great Site That Lists All The Teacher Tools for Modern Day Teaching

I found a great site that list all the tools that teachers need to go on the web and bring their classes alive. Here is the link http://www.suelebeau.com/freetools.htm


Students Want Technology

Meloney found a great article regarding students and their craving for technology.

Thanks Meloney for sharing with all of us!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Many of us have been hearing about and learning about Response to Intervention (RTI). We as educators have been doing this for some time. It has usually been done on an individual basis however, through our assessments and self analysis of our students we have and will continue to strive to answer the question if our students are not learning what is the next step?

We have responded by doing several things already:

  • Modified our students' schedule i.e. labs
  • Offered more credit recovery options
  • Developed an extensive on-line help center
  • Developed teacher blogs
  • Developed on-line tutoring
  • Adjusted policies

As we dive into RTI, we will be evaluating our current students needs and continuing to implement programs that allow our students to be successful.